Looking for a family doctor?
Contact your Health Region for a list of Family Physicians currently accepting new Patients
Regional Health Authorities (Health Regions) of Saskatchewan
Need a health card?
Contact Saskatchewan E-Health
Health Registries
2130 11th Avenue
Regina SK S4P 0J5
Toll free: 1-800-667-7551 (Canada and US)
Are you sure you need that test?
Choosing Wisely Canada is a campaign to help physicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures.
Your family’s medical home
The Patient’s Medical Home is a model based on your health care needs. The first pillar of the Patient’s Medical Home is patient-centredness, which means your family physician and other members of your health care team are responsive to your needs, preferences, and experiences. The team at your PMH will work to help you better understand areas of your health that need further attention and will seek your input on your care, to improve your health.
For more information, download the information sheet or visit patientsmedicalhome.ca
Learn about your rights as a patient
E-Health Saskatchewan provides information on your rights, whether you wish to seek a second medical opinion, you want access to your medical records, or you want to discuss your medical treatment options.
Make a complaint
The College of Physicians & Surgeons of Saskatchewan is the licensing and regulatory authority for Saskatchewan doctors.
For more information, write to [email protected] or call toll free 1 (800) 667-1668.